Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Occupy Wall Street's Inevitable Growing Pains - Derek Thompson - Business - The Atlantic

Occupy Wall Street's Inevitable Growing Pains - Derek Thompson - Business - The Atlantic: "In a nutshell all problems of the middle and lower classes are easily solved if the super rich and the corporations that they run weren't so damn greedy. But by all means, make it out like it is so dark and mysterious that there really isn't any viable solutions to any of the problems that we in the 99% face so I guess -according to you we should just throw up our hands and do nothing or try to work within the system that is designed to fail praying this NEXT election we really will get change we can believe in. BTW, good luck on your quest for becoming the 1%! You will never make it of course, but the 1% really want you to believe you will!!!"

'via Blog this'

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