Sunday, September 18, 2011

Class War

The Right Wing-Nuts are howling that the Demos. are engaged in Class Warfare. Reminds me of Hitler saying Poland attacked Germany. The're damn right there is a Class War going on. They should know, they started it. They have attacked the right of workers to organize and bargain collectively, in the State Houses they control. They have attacked the franchise of voters who do not fit their demographic by changing voter registration to make it more difficult for those who usually don't vote their way. They have suborned the voting process by rigging elections (in Ohio electronically, in Fla. physically and through graft). They have done it by changing the way campaigns are funded (corporations are people too), with the help of their flunkeys  on the Supreme Court, to be able to financially overwhelm their opponents with their corporate masters to foot the bill.  They have screamed that we have to close our borders but what they really mean is 'No Mexicans allowed'. I've lived many years in San Francisco which is full of illegal immigrants! Most of them from the British Isles and Canada, as they come in through Canada, get some work, kick around a few years, go back to Ireland, England, of Scotland, then, after awhile, come back to the States. I don't see the Republicans howling for a fence along the Canadian border!  The attack they have launched on Social Security is based on the idea that 'these people' are stealing from you, when it is ,in fact, the Republicans themselves (along with quite a few Democratic Administrations) who have looted the SS Fund like it was the Congressional Piggy Bank and SS recipients only want the money they have put into the fund, all their working lives, back. The Left is standing their ground (like a pole-axed Ox) instead of going on the attack and I mean in every State, over every Election (don't care if it's for dogcatcher, if he's a Repub. fight him to the death) and forget the Presidential Election. That is not where the issue will be decided. It will be decided in the House and the Senate, for if we cannot regain control over Congress it wont mater if Obama wins. He will still have his hands tied by Congress and we will have another four years of obstructionism and no meaningful legislation.   

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